New Bed, New Tricks

Gabriel finally got a crib and his own room! It's great not to have to tip toe and whisper at night now. I put him in it and he climbed up like this for the first time, and he thought he was the coolest kid ever. It was hilarious because he was laughing and smiling and when I grabbed the camera he acted like a super model and smiled like crazy. He still can't roll over, but if he's sitting up, he can pull himself up like this, which is great because if he wakes up crying, he has to just lay there instead of climbing up and risking and injury in his madness.


Nicole said...

What a poser! I bet he isn't really THAT happy to be in a crib. Hahahahahaha!

Jess said...

What a cute little guy! I'll bet it is nice to get your room back.

Amy Lyne said...

We are so glad you and David could come visit us! We love you guys and hope to see you again soon. The new house looks great, can't wait to see it.