Mother's Day!

 Today is Mother's day, and it's been off to a rough start. So I've had to remind myself a few times that I signed up for this. Then I wondered how my mother got through life without going to a mental institution (mother of 8, and all), and why did she always make it look so easy? I never saw her cry or leave the room for an extended period of time, only to find her locked in her closet just so she could be alone (please tell me I'm normal). Since becoming a mother of 3, my favorite movie is Overboard, because now I relate. Now I understand and can laugh when I sit in a chair or a bed at the end of the day saying "bu bu bu bu bu". Because sometimes it takes too much mental and physical effort!

I recently recalled that when I was in elementary school, I found a dead bird as I was walking home from school. I actually put it in my back pack and took it home! Then I transferred it to a shoe box and kept it in my closet. When it started to stink, I put cloves in the box. I asked my sister if this was a dream or if it really happened and how my mom reacted, and she said that she didn't think Mom knew about it. Kids are so gross! They're also curious and not very logical. Once my little brother put a whole roll of toilet  paper in the toilet just to see what would happen. When our mom asked him why, he said "I completely lost my mind!". I love that he summed it up to insanity. It's the excuse I give my kids for any and all things illogical. Like why they're ok with poop on their bums when they're potty trained. They're insane. 

Luckily I laugh more than I cry (way more). I was reading a story to my kids last night while Ruby was holding a stuffed Mickey Mouse. She said "Wait, Mom! Mickey wants to turn the page!". So we waited while Mickey's big fat hand turned the little page. I love the things they come up with. Claire loves to draw pictures of the people in her life. They're faces (circles) with legs and arms. I laugh every time she draws something because these drawings are so comical. There are twin boys in her preschool class that she doesn't like because they're crazy. She frequently puts X's on them. I know I should teach her to love one another, but I can't help laughing. It's her way of showing her emotions, I guess. That, and screaming bloody murder for minor offenses every day. 

Whenever my husband travels, like right now, I am always fried by the time he gets home. Mostly because I've spent the past few days doing nothing for myself, doing everything for others, never hearing "Thanks, Mom, you're doing a great job!", and always hearing about what's not fair to a 4 year-old and constantly being argued with about why the TV should stay on for 5 more minutes. 

So back to my original point; I totally signed up for this. I begged for this calling. I cried and cried when I thought I might not get this job. I'm beyond grateful to be their mother. It's hard, but it's awesome. The hardest part it is that they're so different. One is sensitive beyond all reason, caring and kind, while another has a hard crusty shell on the outside and is soft in the middle. The other one lights up a room when she walks in because of her happy glow. It's a juggling act! But it's by far the most rewarding job out there. With all the crazy in them, and the crazy they put in me, when I hear them say "I love you, Mommy", it's all over; all else is forgotten and all is forgiven. 

So, Thank You, Mom! I'm glad you didn't have to go to a mental institution. You did a great job! 

We are a happy family! 


Jess said...

I sit in the bathroom when I need some down time. You are not alone in finding unique places to hide. :)

Nicole said...

Um, yeah. I'm in the office right now with the door locked. Who knew the mental strain was going to be so much, eh? The same questions over and over, the NOISE. You ARE doing a good job! Any time you need to hear it, give me a call. :)

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Beautiful post!
And you REALLY kept a dead bird in your closet?!! lol!