Halloween 2012

Ruby trying to get a twizzler opened. Love that face! It's been the best Halloween ever for her. 

Claire and Ruby were the only ones who got to go trick or treating this year because Gabriel was so sick. Ruby ran from house to house and enthusiastically took candy out of candy bowls within her reach. Claire became paralyzed whenever anyone opened the door to give them candy. I told her that she needed to say "Trick or treat" and "Thank you", but she said "But Mommy, it hurts my tummy when I talk!". As we walked from house to house, her mouth was going a mile a minute. 

Me and my girls getting ready to go trick or treating. Claire helped me carve the pumpkin, which was very fascinating to her. 

David's office threw the ultimate Halloween party, so this is our family all dressed to party. This was also Gabriel's birthday. He told everyone that he just turned 5 and he doesn't feel good. It was pretty pathetic and cute. The kids loved the karaoke and Ruby was given all the suckers and candy she could ever dream of, so she was very happy. 

Gabriel's actual birthday began with pumpkin pie and a new train, Dash. He was already sick, so he didn't eat much pie before he went to lay down on the couch with his train. 
His birthday party was a success. Lots of little kids and enough activities to keep them happy. We had a costume contest and a donut eating contest. I thought my boy could eat, but we were outdone by another boy who was very hard core. You can have that. 

I am officially fired from making birthday cakes. Despite its sad sides, Gabriel loved his Captain America shield cake. Birthday number 5 is probably the last time he'll be appreciative of my efforts. Claire is singing Happy Birthday beside him. 

These pictures were all put in in the wrong order. When we first got the Captain America costume, Claire took claim to it and they goofed off for a while. She was the prettiest Captain America ever. 


Jess said...

How sad to be sick on Halloween! Poor little guy! It looks like he had a fun birthday though. And I totally sympathize with birthday cakes- they are harder than they should be!

melissa said...

"You can have that."--hahahahaha

You all look awesome! Happy Birthday, Gabriel! David's Thor costume is suh-weet!

Catherine said...

I love "my tummy hurts!" This is like when my niece Charlotte says she's "too tired" and her "arms hurt" when she's asked to do something. Love what kids come up with. Everyone looks fantastic! I know you enjoyed some Halloween fun too!!