Hanging around the house in August. Gabriel loves to hold Ruby. He'll often tell me what she needs to calm down, as in "she needs her binky", or "you need to feed her". It's very sweet. He's been a good little helper, especially in the car when she's crying. Maybe it's because they're twinners born 3 1/2 years apart. They have a special bond.

Really? Here again?

Claire is excellent at finding hidden accessories, such as socks and hats and jewelry. And she can't pass any of them without putting them on. She wore socks all summer. It drove me crazy. I thought it would be nice to not have little socks all over the house and to sort through the laundry for a few months, but no.

My sister and her family came to town this summer, too. If only Jennie and Melissa's families could be here at the same time. Jennie and Melissa happen to be the best story tellers. I can not stop laughing when I'm around them.
Jennie, Nicole, and me

Aunt Jennie with Ruby

I love that Jennie's boys are all looking at the camera. It gives me hope that one day I will be able to have a picture of my children all looking at the camera.


melissa said...

Little Ruby looks so very content in her Aunt Jennie's arms. So sweet! I love seeing your kids grow. They sound delightful.

Dear Kenzie,
Please change the color of your font for the comments link so I don't have to search for it for five minutes every time. Thank you for your time.

Nicole said...

I LOVE that picture of Claire and David. She's so right - that little dress needed a winter hat. It's kind of spooky how much Ruby looks like Gabriel. Good thing he's beautiful, eh? :)

Annie said...

I am a little behind, but CONGRATS on graduating! You so totally rock! I love all the pics of your cute kids. I still can't believe you have THREE! Looks like things are going great for you guys!

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Your kids are so darn cute! Little Ruby is the sweetest baby ever!!
Glad you had some fun family time. :) Some day I will come and see you too. (my twin)