Bringing the Baby Home

Ruby was appropriately given a red bow after her first bath.

Baby feet are my favorite!

Claire and Gabriel being introduced to their new sister.

We brought Ruby home on the 4th of July. She was a fun holiday treat.

Those looks of mischief scared me a little, but they've both been really good with the baby. The only problem s that they like to touch her eyes. What is it about the eyes?


allyn said...

yay! for many ruby pictures. she really is precious. i wish i could squeeze her. our nurse told us that she learned at some seminar that the baby bonds to it's parents within hours of being born and if they get to have that skintoskin contact it seals the deal. she made aron take off his shirt and hold chance against his chest.hahaha just kidding, but she did hand him off to aron and then i got to hold him or vice versa. i can't really remember. anyway-sad that you didn't get to hold her until later. now you probably won't ever bond.

Mom said...

I can't stand it - I want to hold her! She really has a special little spirit. How sweet that Gabriel and Claire have been so good with her - they probably just like to touch the eyelashes.:)