Trip to Grandma's

We were lucky and got to go to Idaho to see Grandma before we moved. This, of course, means a trip to the GC to visit my wonderful grandparents. I love that they still want to hold the babies. They have a lot of grandkids and great-grandkids, yet each new baby is still a novelty to them. Every mommy likes that.
Ruby and my Grandpa Curtis

Ruby and Grandma Shirley
My grandma was very concerned about how I went about taking 3 kids on this little road trip. I told her that I pulled over into a church parking lot to feed the baby and let the kids run around and she nearly had a heart attack. She said she wouldn't go anywhere for anything. I guess I needed to see my mom pretty badly.

Grandma Peggy was so much fun to visit. She took us swimming and to the petting zoo. Just a few great days with Grandma. No Grandpa this time. He was off being a boy scout that week.

Claire has been introduced to underwear. One pair is never enough. It's all or nothing.


Jess said...

Ha- I love all of the underwear in the carseat. I actually wish my little girl carried some extras around with her because I forget to stock up the diaper bag in case of accidents. :) I am also impressed to see Grandma Shirley holding Ruby. She tried to avoid holding Kaitlyn because she'd drop her, but couldn't resist. Did she try to resist Ruby at first too?

allyn said...

i do love seeing gpa curtis holding babies. he is the sweetest man alive, in my opinion. gma is always good for a laugh, too.
i wish i were around you and the kids more. they sound like super fun kids.

Katy said...

So cute! You are brave to take the kids on such a long road-trip. Love the panties!