Our sweet little Ruby Marie was born on July 1, 2011.
When I found out I was pregnant with Ruby, I was reading an old Ensign with an article by David B. Haight. I recalled him talking about his 'Sweet Ruby' (his wife) and immediately that was my baby girl's name. I knew she was a girl and that her name was Ruby. She certainly came into our family at a non ideal time, but we are so grateful to have her. It has not been any harder now than it would have been in 2 years.
Ruby is also named after my mother's mother, Carol Marie.

Ruby's birth was not very eventful because we had a scheduled c-section. She was born at 8:25am, weighed 7lbs. 13 oz. She was my biggest baby yet.
I like the ability to schedule and plan for the birth of my children, but the biggest drawback to this plan is that I don't get to hold my babies until many hours after they're born. I was shown the baby while laying on the operating table, right before she was whisked away to the care of others. My surgery continued for another hour, it seemed, and when it was done, I was so worn out that I could barely hold her, and I definitely couldn't feed her. David was the one to hold her and welcome her to the family.
I took many books to the hospital, like it was my spa vacation or something. It's sad when 4 days in the hospital is what I consider my vacation. I finished the book I had already been reading and slept every other moment. It was nice to be fed meals I didn't make or have to clean up, though.
There was another Ruby in the hospital nursery with our Ruby. Not so original after all, eh?
Your babies are all SO adorable. Sweet little Ruby fits right in!
So so cute! I sure miss her! And her brother and sister.:) Keep the pictures comin'!
elder worthlin is one of my favorites. i love that story. i thought the name was really cute, but now i really love it. how sweet she looks. #3 was my easiest baby. hope yours is too!
She is such a cutie!You both look beautiful. Love this picture! Hope you guys are doing well.
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