Spring Time!

Finally it is warm enough to play outside. Spring takes too long to get here.

David actually grabbed the camera for these shots. They're so cute I couldn't resist putting lots up.

Clearly, she is bossing Daddy around.

She plays dead well, like a dog.

Gabriel's getting a really good swing. He's a real boy now.

Reach for the sky!

I'm sure she's bossing him around in this picture, too. She calls him Dabble, and that word begins most of her sentences.


Nicole said...

Look at him, though! He's going to do whatever she wants him to do. :)

I love that your nesting has spilled over into your blog. Fun for me. Because, you know, I'm trapped here. Like a rat. Ha!

allyn said...

those are so adorable. it was like watching a sesame street short about playing in the backyard. i hope you frame that last one where they are looking at each other

Andrea Lee U.R. said...

Someone has been nesting!! ;) I have checked your blog for months and seen no updates. Now, I can't keep up with your posts. So fun to see pictures and hear how you are doing. Can't wait to see cutie #3!!