March Madness

This year with all the Jimmer craze, BYU basketball games were a little hard to get into. So I didn't bother. But I heard the women's team was doing well and thought I would take my little boy out to the Marriot center to experience a BYU basketball game. We left very close to the time it was supposed to begin and I thought that we'd at least get a decent parking spot.

Little did I know that women's basketball is not a spectator sport.
We definitely got a parking spot. And we had our pick of seating, as well.
There was enough space for a boy to explore and not be confined to his seat or required to watch a game with no adrenaline. My favorite part was that they dragged the band and the cheerleaders out to the games. Why? For no one to hear and see except the players and the coaches? It seemed a little ridiculous to me.

We left early because it was boring and it was bed time. But first we had to stop at the Creamery on 9th to get ice cream. That's a game tradition, right?

1 comment:

Katy said...

Looks like a fun time with Gabriel! Was this before the actual madness began?